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Covers the Daisy Petals, Journey Awards, Bridging to Brownies, and many other Patches and awards.
Note: this new version work with both Excel AND OpenOffice Calc.

DaisyTrax v20.4
(Updated September 9, 2020)

by Audra Edmunds


Covers Brownie Try-Its, Journey Awards, Bridging to Juniors, and many other Patches and awards.
Note: this new version work with both Excel AND OpenOffice Calc.

BrownieTrax v20.5
(Updated September 9, 2020)

by Audra Edmunds



Covers Junior badges, Journey Awards, Bridging to Cadettes, the Bronze Award, Sign patches, and many other patches and awards.
: this new version work with both Excel AND OpenOffice Calc.

JuniorTrax v20.4
(Updated September 9, 2020)

by Audra Edmunds


Cover various Cadette-level achievements and awards. It covers all the Interest Projects, Silver & Gold, Cadette Journies, and Bridging to Seniors, as well as many other age-level awards and patches.
: this new version work with both Excel AND OpenOffice Calc.

CadetteTrax v20.5
(Updated September 9, 2020)

by Audra Edmunds


Cover various Senior-level achievements and awards. It covers all the Interest Projects, Silver & Gold, Senior, Journies, and Bridging to Ambassadors, as well as many other age-level awards and patches.
: this new version work with both Excel AND OpenOffice Calc.

SeniorTrax v20.5
(Updated September 9, 2020)

by Audra Edmunds


Cover various Ambassador-level achievements and awards. It covers all the Interest Projects, Silver & Gold, and Ambassador Journies, as well as many other age-level awards and patches.
: this new version work with both Excel AND OpenOffice Calc.

AmbassadorTrax v20.4
(Updated September 9, 2020)

by Audra Edmunds


The spreadsheets were created in MS Excel 2010, and tested with Open Office 4.0.  Please note that these spreadsheets are not compatible with Microsoft Works. If you do not have access to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice contains a free spreadsheet that is about 90% compatible with Microsoft Excel. OpenOffice is a free download from Apache Software Foundation on the Internet. This suite contains not only Calc, but also a word processor, a database, and a graphical presentation program. Click to download either the Windows or Mac version

PLEASE NOTE! More specific information on using and customizing the spreadsheet is contained in the spreadsheets Instructions worksheet. Please read this page before you begin using the spreadsheets!



  Audra Edmunds of Virginia is solely responsible for the GirlScoutTrax series spreadsheets and their support. The GSA does not endorse, support, or in any way acknowledge them.

If you need help, please don't hesitate to e-mail me, but before you do, please be sure that you have first read the Instructions page within the spreadsheet and then checked the Troubleshooting & FAQ page on this website thoroughly. I have found that almost all problems can be solved by simply reading these two documents. To be honest, I get very frustrated with users that take up my time sending me e-mails asking me for help in doing things that I've already covered on the Instructions page, or on the Troubleshooting & FAQ page (or both).

If, however, you want to simply drop me a note of 'thanks,' I'm always open to that (smile).

Also, feel free to drop me an e-mail with any suggestions that you'd like to see in upcoming revisions. I promise, I will consider what you write. Many of the features you now find in these spreadsheets are a direct result of previous users sending me suggestions. However, please don't get offended if I don't use your suggestion.



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